Aquarius is the sign of the inventor, the genius, the eccentric, the nerds.
They are the brains of the outfit!!
Often very misunderstood as they are left of centre and don't think in a straight line, lateral thinkers!
Offbeat, they are extremely unique and have absolutely no desire to conform at any level and a renown for marching to the beat of their own drum, because of this they are often way ahead of their time and progressive.
Deeply humanitarian they are leaders in waking humanity to ingenious ways to break away from old outworn constructs.
Intelligence is their strength and their weakness as they can feel isolated especially as children, often they don't find their social groove till they are adults and they may prefer an older more mature crowd.
Aquarian weaknesses are intellectual snobbery, aloof, runs form emotional connections, temperamental and uncompromising.
Tissue Salts for Aquarius.
Aquarius rules the blood and circulation, the ankles, spinal cord and electrical force of the nerves.
Nat Mur (Natrum Muriaticum) is the salt for Aquarius.
It can attract or draw away water from affected parts of the body and redistribute wherever needed.
Nat mur supports the even flow of electricity through and across nerves